Consulting Services

GiftOasis provides e-commerce consulting to businesses that range from startup to 50 employees. We focus on small businesses because we enjoy working directly with the business owners to help them grow their businesses, and we like that many of these businesses provide working environments where employees almost feel like family.
We provide a full range of e-commerce services including opportunity assessment, competitive assessment, profitability analysis, partner assessment and negotiations, website usability design and website development. We can help you get up to speed quickly on industry best practices and the current state of e-commerce.
We provide a full range of marketing services including marketing strategy development, product pricing analysis, promotion planning, ad campaign development and management, content marketing, social media marketing and PR. Let us help you run your own campaigns or if you prefer we can implement them for you.
Ranking well in Google isn't rocket science, but it is hard work. We can bring you up to speed on the key factors affecting page ranking and provide a custom assessment of your website along with specific recommendation on how to move your web pages up in the rankings. We have deep experience with both onsite and offsite SEO ranking factors.
Knowledge Sharing
We don't try to keep our knowledge to ourselves. In fact, we love teaching other's how to do these things themselves. We are here to help you grow and succeed. We'd even be happy to give you a list of what you should be reading on a regular basis to stay abreast of the e-commerce industry. But if you don't have time for that, we understand and are happy to do the work for you.
Interested? Contact us at:
GiftOasis LLC1010 Highgrove Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
We look forward to hearing from you.